Neil Steeman
In February 2011, I lived just 1km from the epicenter of Christchurch's 6.9 earthquake. Navigating the settlement process for my own house and contents claims was both eye-opening and nerve-racking. It taught me the importance of understanding insurance entitlements, gathering the right information, and negotiating effectively. With this newfound knowledge, I began helping others in my community for free, providing them with the resources they needed to engage with their insurance providers. I saw firsthand how little most people knew about their policies and entitlements unless they asked the right questions.
At the time, I was running a business manufacturing custom contact lens, helping people with complex eye conditions. Transitioning to personal and business insurance advice was a natural step, as it allowed me to continue helping people in a meaningful way.
I have now joined Insurance Link Christchurch / West Coast with a simple mission: to offer evidencebased, client-centred insurance advice. Every recommendation we make is backed by research and contract wording, and if we cannot clearly demonstrate that a client will benefit from our advice, we’ll tell them they already have the best coverage for their unique situation. We use an independent insurance research firm to provide comparison reports, and our job is to give you the information you need to make an informed decision. We also offer ongoing support with claims, annual reviews, and are always available to answer questions.