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Business Interruption

Keep your business running, even if you have to shut the doors.

When you suffer a major business interruption and need to replace your income!

Business Interruption Insurance is sometimes referred to as Business Income or Business Continuity Insurance.  This cover replaces the money that your business would have made had it been able to trade as normal and can also cover the costs you incur as part of the process of getting back to business as usual. It means that you can continue to pay your bills, your debts and your staff, even if you’re not able to serve any customers.

Good Business Interruption Insurance should mean that you’re able to get back on your feet much more quickly, minimising disruption to your customers.

Work with an Insurance Link adviser to help you determine the right cover for your business and our Advisers are there to help if you need to make a claim.




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Shareholder Protection Insurance

Protection for shareholders in the event that a business owner becomes permanently disabled or dies.
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Key Person Insurance

If a key person in your company became incapacitated would you still be able to operate in the same way? If the answer is NO then it is well worth investing in Key Person Insurance.
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Cyber Insurance

Cyber Risk is a major concern for businesses both small and large; as we transact more in a digital space both in communications and financially it is becoming of critical importance to protect your business against cyber-attacks.
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Public & Professional Liability

Professional Liability Insurance provides protection in the event that your product or service causes third party loss.
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Premises & Equipment

Protecting your equipment and premises is of paramount importance.
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